Of course, there is one big flaw in all of this. The plan failed. So why am I keeping it? As I said above, it works. My motivation, my willpower, my desire to change, and my incentives were the problem. Yes, those are pretty big things. But this time I'm trying to keep it simpler. I'm not making vows to lose 2 pounds a week or to blog every day. I'm not going to obsess about things because that just sends me running to the cookie jar.
Mellow. That is my new buzzword. Calm. Sensible. One thing at a time. Hence, the ten goals at the sidebar. For now, I ignore goals two through nine. Right now I am all about goal number 1 - losing 10 pounds. That's it.
But I wouldn't be me without a few rules for just how I am going to lose those those pounds. And so, for the next ten weeks:
- I will go to weekly meetings.
- I will stick to my daily and weekly point allotments, planning and shopping in advance.
- I will record everything I eat and drink.
- I will be active. I will walk at least 40,000 steps a week. I will row for at least 30 minutes a week. I will strength train at least twice a week. I will do yoga or pilates at least once a week.
Disclaimer: I will defend to the death anyone's right to support Mike Huckabee and the creationists. The first paragraph of my personal creed requires me to respect the opinions and beliefs of others. I am truly sorry if I have offended anyone by using a contribution to his campain as an incentive to stick to my plan. However, I am a raving liberal and as such, regardless of how much I admire Huckabee's commitment to health and weight loss, I am more likely to turn into Britney Spears than I am to support a Huckabee presidency.
So that, in a nutshell, is the plan for the first ten pounds. Tomorrow night I go to my meeting and find out where I start. But the points counting starts with breakfast!